Freelance Writing

4 Easy-to-Create Digital Products You Can Sell

Written by Pennacle
Last updated: Aug. 30, 2024, 9:32 a.m. read

In the big digital world where everyone's looking to make money, selling your stuff might be just the way to go. If it sounds overwhelming, don't be. It’s not as hard as you would imagine. 

Whether you're a beginner in business, a creative person, or just someone who wants extra cash, digital products are your ticket. And the best part is, you don't need fancy gadgets or lots of money to start.

In this article, we will explore easy digital stuff you can create and sell online and a step-by-step process of how to turn your creativity into money.

1. EBooks and Guides

If there's a skill that you are good at or something you know more than the average person, people are willing to pay to learn from you! That's where Ebooks and guides come in – they're like your personal way to teach people cool things.

You can turn what you know into a digital book that anyone can read and learn from. You don't need to be a super famous writer or a tech genius. Just someone who knows their stuff and is willing to share it with others.

You can write about anything – from making the perfect pancakes to fixing up cars like a pro.

The process is simple: 

  • Pick a topic you want to write on, 
  • Research the market for your ebook so that you know if there's anyone interested in that topic. If there is, 
  • Write your Ebook. If there isn't, pick a different topic. 
  • Organize your ebook. You may either do this yourself or hire an editor. 
  • Publish and share. 

And bam – you've got a digital product that's ready to sell. Everyone's got something cool to teach, and Ebooks and guides make it super easy to turn your brainpower into something you can sell. So, if you're into teaching or have a passion you want to spread, Ebooks and guides are probably your best bet.


2. Online Courses 

Have you ever thought about being a virtual teacher? Well, online courses let you do just that —share your expertise and make money doing it without a fancy classroom or any form of capital. 

Teaching something you are good at is a great way to demonstrate your expertise in your field and showcase your valuable skills in the global marketplace. 

  • The first thing to do when creating an online course is to pick the perfect course topic. The course you teach should be one you are passionate about, if not, you'll run out of motivation and energy in the creation process and dump it somewhere. 
  • Next, just like writing ebooks, you want to be sure there is a market demand for the course you are teaching. It would be really unfortunate to spend weeks and days creating a course that no one is willing to buy so it's necessary to ensure there is a thriving market for your course despite competition. 
  • When you are sure of this, you may start fleshing out the content of your course; create an outline, structure modules, and break down what you know into easy lessons. 
  • Afterwards, consider the most appropriate delivery method for each lesson. Would your course be more effective in visual or audio formats? If visual, do you need to create a presentation or record a video? Make this decision based on what's best for your content and the tools, budget and resources at your disposal. 

When your course is ready, it's time to upload it to a learning management system where learners can have access to it. 

Endeavour to choose a platform like Pennacle that makes setting up and selling your course super simple. People from all over can sign up and learn at their own pace, and you get paid for sharing your knowledge.

Think about it – you're not just teaching facts, you're helping people grow and learn. As they learn, you earn! So, if you're excited to teach and want to turn your passion into profit, online courses are the way to go.


3. Plans

If you're into fitness, dieting, food e.t. c, and know your stuff, why not help others shape up? You can sell plans to help guide people to their goals.

Creating a fitness plan, for example, means mapping out a personalized path to a healthier lifestyle. You lay out exercises, and routines, and maybe throw in some motivation and a few personal insights. Whether it's for beginners or advanced folks, your workout plan could be a game-changer.

No need for a fancy gym or pricey gear. People can follow your plan at home or wherever they like. You can post them on platforms like your website, social media such as YouTube, or even fitness forums. If you're tech-savvy, you could create a website where people can buy and download your plans or use online platforms like Pennacle where you get to set it up hassle-free.

Once your plans are up and running, people can access them easily. They'll buy your plan, get a download link, and voilà – they're ready to start their journey with your expert guidance.

So, if you're all about an activity and don't mind guiding people through it, making and selling plans could be the start of something special. 


4. Affiliate marketing 

Hold on tight, because affiliate marketing is an exciting avenue for making money online. While it's not a traditional digital product, it's a smart strategy that lets you earn by promoting other people's digital products.

Affiliate marketing is like being a virtual matchmaker. You connect people with awesome products they're interested in, and if they buy through your link, you earn a commission. 

Affiliate marketing doesn't require you to create your products. Instead, you become a trusted source, sharing your recommendations and insights on products you love. From eBooks and online courses to software and digital tools, household materials, etc.,  there's a wide range of digital products you can promote.

To get started, sign up for affiliate programs offered by various companies. They'll provide you with unique links that track your referrals. When someone clicks on your link and makes a purchase, you earn a commission. It's a simple and effective way to monetize your online presence.

Remember, while affiliate marketing isn't a digital product itself, it's a fantastic method for turning your platform into a money-making machine. So, if you're keen on generating income through your online presence without creating your products, affiliate marketing is a path you'll want to explore.


There you have it – a journey through the world of easy-to-start digital stuff that can turn your passions into cash. From sharing what you know through Ebooks and online courses to helping folks get fit with workout plans.

You don't need fancy tools, just your computer and your creativity. Whether you're a cooking champ, a fitness freak, or just someone with lots of knowledge, the internet is your playground. You can create, sell, and succeed – all from your own space.

Remember, every digital thing you make is a chance to inspire and teach. You're not just selling stuff, you're creating experiences that matter.


Need Help Putting Your Digital Product Together? 

If you sign up for our focused one-on-one coaching, we can help you: 

  • Ensure your product is what people want
  • Organize your content
  • Grow your audience
  • Presell your product
  • Prepare a waitlist of buyers 
  • Launch and market your product 

Sign up here. 





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