Every quarter, we choose one poem, one piece of creative nonfiction, and one short story to be published in the coming issue of our quarterly magazine; WRITERESQUE, and winning authors will receive ₦ 100,000 each.

WRITERESQUE is a literary magazine that features established and emerging African writers who contribute compelling insight on matters of hope, purpose, identity and truth; on the backdrop of African history and culture.

Our goal with the GOOD LITERATURE contest is to promote emerging writers and to connect writers and readers by publishing excellent writing. We believe that literature is at its best when it is authentic, therefore, we encourage writers to submit works that are true of and to them, in whatever style or genre of their choosing.

Every season of this contest will revolve around a single theme for each category. Writers are encouraged to think deeply about the given theme and submit imaginative and immersive works.

Contest periods for each category (poetry, creative nonfiction, short story) will run one after another therefore, participation in more than one category, is allowed.

Select a category to begin:

Poetry category
Completed. See List of Winners
Creative Nonfiction category
Open for Entry. Learn More
Short story Category
Open for Entry. Learn More
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